Yong Li







Data & Presentations





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Troesh Research Conference, 2022

What to do with rejections, 2022

Advancing Theory Building in Entrepreneurship, 2020

Advancing theory development in entrepreneurship research, 2019

Theory development in entrepreneurship research, 2018

Real options and strategic entrepreneurship, 2018

The pursuit of innovation, 2016

Venture capital investments under uncertainty, 2014

Can entrepreneurship save capitalism? AOM ENT Plenary session, 2013

International entrepreneurship PDW, 2011

Real options symposium, 2010


Venture capital bilateral flow intensity data

Book list for PhD students in Strategy



Troesh Research Coference, Las Vegas, 2022

A panel of distinuished scholars share their thoughts on the future of entreprenuership.



What to do with rejections? 2022, AOM Symposium, Seattle


Rejection is part of the academic life, yet how to handle rejections is seldom discussed, and how to turn a rejected paper into a better and even publishable paper is largely ignored. At the same time, some of the influential papers that have been published have gone through rejections, sometimes multiple ones. We thus raise the question: How do we as researchers and journal editors/reviewers handle rejections?




Gary Dushnitsky, London Business School

Melissa Graebner, University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign

Peter Klein, Baylor University

Yong Li, University of Nevada, Las Vegas

Hart Posen, University of Wisconsin Madison

Laszlo Tihanyi, Rice University




Advancing Theory Building in Entrepreneurship, 2020, Research Symposium


Our goal is to distill lessons from the specific personal experiences of scholars and illustrate how to employ various approaches to advancing theory building (or knowledge creation broadly) in entrepreneurship.




Rajshree Agarwal, U. of Maryland

Jay B. Barney, U. of Utah

Gary Dushnitsky, London Business School

Melissa Graebner, University of Illinois

Yong Li, U. of Nevada Las Vegas

Saras Sarasvathy, U. of Virginia

Shaker A. Zahra, U. of Minnesota




Advancing theory development in entrepreneurship research, 2019 AOM, Boston


Despite the growth of entrepreneurship research, theory development has remained a key concern, with some scholars arguing that much of the research is atheoertical or that theory building/development is somewhat ad hoc and largely pre-paradigmatic. The goal of this Symposium is to shed light on how to advance theory development in entrepreneurship. Specifically, the Symposium seeks to address three broad questions. First, given the pre-paradigmatic stage of theory building and development in entrepreneurship, how do we extend and refine current theories to enhance our understanding of entrepreneurship? Second, how do we use various approaches to develop new ideas or theories? Third, what can we learn from the personal journeys of accomplished scholars in developing new theories?




Yong Li, U. of Nevada Las Vegas

Shaker A. Zahra, U. of Minnesota




Rajshree Agarwal, U. of Maryland

Jay B. Barney, U. of Utah

James O. Fiet, U. of Louisville

William B. Gartner, Babson College

Saras Sarasvathy, U. of Virginia

Andrew H. Van de Ven, U. of Minnesota


AOM Symposium, Boston, 2019




Theory development in entrepreneurship research, 2018 AOM, Chicago


As the entrepreneurship field grows, so does the need to advance theory for better description, explanation, and prediction of entrepreneurship phenomena. Theory development has been hampered sometimes by the tendency among scholars to seek theoretical novelty and the pressure in academic journals for empirical research to make theoretical contributions. The overarching goal of the workshop is to discuss how to enhance theory development in entrepreneurship. The workshop also offers a platform for a dialogue with our distinguished scholars about the future directions in theoretical entrepreneurship research.




Yong Li, U. of Nevada Las Vegas




Sharon Alvarez, U. of Pittsburgh
Nicolai J. Foss, Bocconi U.
Michael A. Hitt, Texas A&M U. / Texas Christian U.
Peter G. Klein, Baylor U.
Moren Levesque, York U.
Shaker A Zahra, U. of Minnesota




Real options and strategic entrepreneurship, 2018 AOM, Chicago


Real options theory as one of the more generalizable theories in management can be applied to a wide range of core entrepreneurship issues such as the decision to become an entrepreneur and the decision to finance a new venture. Yet, with few exceptions, real options theory has not worked its way into the entrepreneurship filed as in other fields such as strategic management. In this workshop, we discuss how real options theory can be applied to offer unique insights into entrepreneurship phenomena and how it can help enhance the theory development in entrepreneurship.




Tim Folta, U. of Connecticut
Yong Li, U. of Nevada Las Vegas

Joseph T. Mahoney, U. of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign




David Audretsch, Indiana U.
Tailan Chi, U. of Kansas
Lenos Trigeorgis, King's College London and U. of Cyprus





The pursuit of innovation, Symposium, 2016 AOM, Anaheim, CA



Gary Dushnitsky, London Business School

Yong Li, U. of Nevada Las Vegas



Gautam Ahuja, University of Michigan

Ashish Arora, Duke University

Dean Shepherd, Indiana University




Real options symposium, 2010 AOM, Montreal


Real options theory has emerged as an important theoretical tool for strategy and entrepreneurship. This symposium attempts to move forward theoretical and empirical research in real options by joining this theory with other organization economics theories and models to offer insights into key issues in strategy and entrepreneurship.


Download slides.




Jaideep Anand, Ohio State U.

Carliss Baldwin, Harvard U.

Jay Barney, Ohio State U.

Timothy Folta, Purdue U.

Bruce Kogut, Columbia U.

Nalin Kulatilaka, Boston U.

Yong Li, U. of Nevada Las Vegas

Joseph Mahoney, U. of Illinois





International entrepreneurship PDW, 2011 AOM, San Antonio



Yong Li, U. of Nevada Las Vegas

Shaker Zahra, U. of Minnesota



Sondos Abdelgawad, ESADE

Susan Hill, London School of Economics

Markku V. J. Maula, Aalto U.

Patricia McDougall-Covin, Indiana U.

Harry Sapienza, U. of Minnesota

Mike Wright, U. of Nottingham





Entrepreneurship and capitalism: The role of social entrepreneurship and institutions.


Slides presented at the 2013 AOM Entrepreneurship Division Plenary Session, Can Entrepreneurship Save Capitalism? Orlando, FL


Download slides.



Shaker Zahra, U. of Minnesota

Harry Sapienza, U. of Minnesota





Venture Capital Investments Under Uncertainty

Discussed the implications of my research on venture capital practice. China Venture Capital Forum, 2014. Shenzhen





Venture capital bilateral flow intensity data (TBA)

